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Speech Pathology Services Outpatient Clinic
Southeastern Regional Medical Center

Southeastern Regional Medical Center
Rehabilitation Center

*Our staff provides all the speech, language and swallowing evaluations and treatment for the hospital. Services for inpatients range from infants to geriatric.


*We have performed modified barium swallow studies in the medical imaging department since 1984.

*Our office in this rehabilitation facility allows the rehabilitation team to work closely with each other to provide the necessary therapies for each patient to reach his or her maximum potential.

Public Schools

of Robeson County

*We have had an excellent relationship with the school systems throughout the years. Our staff contracts each school year to assist the public school in meeting the needs of school-age children.


A Nursing and Alzheimer's Care Center

Woodhaven is a long-term care facility as well as a short term rehab facility that provides extended care for patients in the area. We provide all the speech, language and swallowing needs on a daily basis."

Shining Star Preschool System

SPS contracts with shining stars preschool to screen, evaluate, and provide therapy for children ages 3-5 in many preschool settings all over Robeson County.

Day Care Centers

*When children are unable to come to the outpatient clinic we provide services at day-care centers by request of a parent and/or physician.

Child Development Services Agency (CDSA)

SPS contracts with CDSA to provide evaluations and therapy in the natural environment all over Robeson County for ages birth - 3 years old.

FIberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES)

FEES is a choice method for studying swallowing disorders as it is easy to use, portable, well tolerated, and provides quick results at bedside or with outpatient examination. The procedure involves passing a flexible endoscope across the floor of the patient's nasal passage into the pharynx to determine swallowing function. There is no radiation or barium administered and can be completed in under 20 minutes."

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Speech Pathology Services of Robeson, Inc.

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